Tag : business
Vision to Venture
Technology and Society
Funding FOSS: Ideas and Stories
Ask The Right Question: Importance, Steps and Tips
Making of a leader via Vedic leadership lessons
Issues in IT Recruitment & Solutions
Five Google Analytics pro techniques you should not miss out on!
How can I take this product to market ?
Is Freelancing and Entrepreneurship comparable?
Entrepreneurship and Social Stigma of failure
Re-Imagine Interactions
Hand in hand with handmade
Tags: business | tehcnology -
TOYS! High time India got some cool toys!
Building dapps on blockchain
Selling on Amazon
Prevent Spam and Junk SMS Flood
Bootstrapping your Startup from Zero to One
Lean start-up – 9 things you need to get started
Simplifying supply chain planning
Digital Prescription
LBB Couriers: On-demand bicycle delivery
Treading the Theory Threads plus One
Entrepreneur? Entrepreneurship? and an Attitude!!!
What they didn’t tell you about Wikipedia
How to bite off more than you can chew?
Disciplined Entrepreneurship: Understanding & Planning the Business
Tags: business | Customer | entrepreneurship | How to start a Business | idea | Intro/101 | Knowing your Customer | pitch | Social Entreprenuership -
How to Build a business along with your daytime Job?
Tags: business | entrepreneurship | fitness | Intro/101 | product | sport | sportzify | startup | technology -
Journey from Employee to Consultant to Founder
Engagement – The next big battle ground for Mobile
The Hyped Up Data Scientist
Eventosaur – A new way to plan and host events
Data Science -Funda
Make better tech hires for your startup
Mobile Apps Product Management
Tags: Achievement. | business | Competition | economy | fun | Gamification | Goals | Imagination | In-depth talks | Influence | learning | Mastery | Socializing | Thinking -
How to motivate a startup team with frugal budget
Introduction to cloud testing,and testing practices based on real time experience.
Daily Time Saver Tricks-Excel/Word
Tags: business | Discussion -
5 simple steps to Visual Storytelling
Possibilities in 3D Printing
Breeze App – to make IVR interactions painless
Raw Story of an Entrepreneur
WTF is culture?
Setting Expectations and Making Money…
Is Business a Dubious Move?
Fashion & Technology – The perfect love.
Your TV: Reimagined
Bootstrapping a Community Wireless Network
Legal in IT
3D Printing
Tags: 3D Printing | architecture | business | component | design | digital | mass | object | physical | Techlash | technology -
Using ML and Statistics to fix the classifieds scene, thereby promote a sharing economy.
Contests for kids in Activities they are good at
An Open Startup
Tags: business | design | employees | engagement | enterprise | fun | Games | management | ramification -
Why do people become entrepreneurs?
Managing high res images and an Online platform for creative People!
Women Entrepreneurs and Internet
Graphology: Art of knowing a character
Building SimplyHire
No SQL- Losing up some Relationship to gain speed
The Big Data LandScape and Opportunites
2002:3239:43c3::1 || IPv6 – What/Why/How?!
Lean Startup Principles : An Engineer’s Perspective
Start of the Start!
Tags: business -
The Next Step: Service Design
Excel & VB Basic for Data Management
Tags: business -
IT Services Industry: Are the days of Application Development coming to an end
Don’t just Present, Enchant
Good looks are more than just eye candy
MHealth – Role of Mobile devices in supporting Healthcare & likely Opportunities
txtWeb- Get your world on SMS
What it takes to do eCommerce in India
Open Discussion : Trends in Cloud Computing
Stereoscopic 3D Technology (The Art of Brain)
Tags: 3D Technology | business | Medicine | Movie | research | Science and Education | simulation | Space | Stereoscopic -
Institutional & Business Model Innovation for the Technologists
Emerging Trends in Publishing – POD, E-Books and Social Reading
Software testing as a mental martial art
Tags: agile | applications | art | business | Collaboration | community | education | Event | ideas | innovation | internet | language | Mass collaboration | programming | skills | software testing | tester | testing -
Mobile applications for Indians
campus freeweelin