Mobile Apps Product Management
Presented by: srikanththunga
10 years ago
| 49 interested

We are going to discuss about the product thinking for mobile apps. Mainly around the following concepts
1. Feature design (Real estate optimization, notifications)
2. Patterns (Design & Interactions)
3. Micro Interactions

These are some of the things you are going to get out of this session
1. Understand how to do good mobile UX & product design by looking at most used mobile apps. The idea is to get the clarity of what works in a mobile app which will automatically help you improve your own app.

2. Get an understanding of the the core business product management vs mobile app product management. How product management of whatsapp is different from product management of ios version of whatsapp which is different from product management of ios8 (which is similar to a lot of customer thinking)

Session difficulty level: Intro/101

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