Tag : startup
The Startup and fitness experiment: How I Built a global business and a healthy lifestyle
All about that UX. Startup edition.
How not to start a company
Legal for Entrepreneurs/Startups and Business Owners
How to Build a business along with your daytime Job?
How to bite off more than you can chew?
How to Build a business along with your daytime Job?
Tags: business | entrepreneurship | fitness | Intro/101 | product | sport | sportzify | startup | technology -
Journey from Employee to Consultant to Founder
Gamble with nothing to loose.
Reaching out to next million via OEM partnerships
Make better tech hires for your startup
Learning Web and Mobile development + farmhouse – 4G Internet – Pallet Racks – Yoga – Meditation – Sunset on Rocks – Pollution free air
Tags: alternateeducation | alternateliving | Intro/101 | lifestyle | meditation | MOOCs | palletracks | startup | technology | yoga -
Skill and Art coexists! Apply it to projects and career too!
Starting up in Bangalore vs. Starting up in New York
How I got screwed over while starting up a startup that hasn’t yet started up..
Raw Story of an Entrepreneur
Evaluating startup & technology events!
Taking Web Application Deployment from infancy to maturity using Cloud
Engineering to Entrepreneurship: Lessons Learned
Lean Startup Principles : An Engineer’s Perspective
The betting mantra around entrepreneurship
5 bare minimum things a web startup CTO MUST worry about