Tag : In-depth talks
Bootstrapping your Startup from Zero to One
Excellence in Science and Mathematics: Where India Lost Out?
Lean start-up – 9 things you need to get started
Codeflow – A Visual programming platform – Code without coding
TinkerStories – Making a case for design yet again
Varmam Therapy – Self Cure
Sustainable Tourism & the Case of Social Entrepreneurship
Smart Cities Wheel
TeamKrishna | Developing open source games to fight illiteracy
Sherlocking – 101
CowBan, CowMesh, CowLic, Alter-net and Myst..
Tags: In-depth talks | technology -
Work like a terrorist, live like a drunkard!
TagMe! – Building a sentiment classifier for real time tweets from scratch and crowd-sourcing it
Ensign, Transhumanism and the Butlerian Jihad
Tags: design | ensign | In-depth talks | Internet of Things | movement | technological dystopia | transportation | vehicles -
Bitcoin – currency of the internet
IoT: controlling lighting at home
Getting started – A few questions and answers
Disability And World Views
Why your start-up should not scale in first 3 year
Apache Kafka : Your step 1 to Big Data
Backstage Kitchen Confidants
Sustaining the Unsustainable – a.k.a. Another kind of Re-Story
why do youths not knowing about simple laws
Make Your Pictures Deliver Experiences
Understanding Critical Rendering Path
Future of Money
Minimum Viable product(MVP) a precursor to the dream ride
Offline Capability in Mobile Devices
Deeper dive into the request-response cycle of Ruby on Rails Framework
Tread to Develop and Deploy your Mobile Apps – Everything on Cloud ( SAP WEB IDE )
Fun With Text – Natural Language Processing for Hackers
How we got Factory-Reset capability on a RaspberryPi OS
Be a Creator and Maker
Data Design for Scaling
Implement your Internet/Mobile idea in 5 stages
[Security] Aha, we design better, cheaper, faster and vulnerable mobile Apps!
Tags: Abhinav Sejpal | Cyber Security | digital | ethical hacking | In-depth talks | Information Security | Infosec | Mobile security | mobility | Null | OWASP | pen testing | privacy -
Slippy user experience design
Wild Bangalore
Technology behind the scenes of Barcamp Bangalore
Android x86
Photography: A tool in Research and Conservation
Pywikipedia and Wikimetrics
Changing landscapes challenging Makerspaces.
Tags: art | Bangalore | challenges | engineering | hack | hacker | hackerspace | In-depth talks | make | maker | makerspace | opportunity | responsible innovation | technology | workbench projects -
Tags: Achievement. | business | Competition | economy | fun | Gamification | Goals | Imagination | In-depth talks | Influence | learning | Mastery | Socializing | Thinking -
Auditing an Existing Site Elements
Tags: Case studies | digital marketing | In-depth talks | seo | SEO audit process | Site Audit | technology -
Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
Tags: code | cs | devops | iac | In-depth talks | infrastructure | mathematics | patterns | technology -
Generics and Templates
Tags: c++14 | cpluplus | generics | In-depth talks | infrastructure | isocpp | Java | programming | software | templates | types -
Agile Product Management – Challenges and Opportunities
Tags: agile | In-depth talks | product management | Product Manager | product owner | requirements | scrum -
Android Studio + Genymotion = Upgrade in Productivity
5 simple steps to Visual Storytelling
A reflection on Indian Startup success stories and what makes Bangalore special!
Tags: Bangalore | entrepreneurs | entrepreneurship | founders | In-depth talks | starting up | startup hub | startups -
Get fit this year
Functional Testing: Look beyond the UI
What we can learn from urdu poetry
Tags: In-depth talks | poetry -
JavaScript/HTML5 Rich Clients Using Java EE 7
Engineering Virality: How to design a purple cow