Tag : Java
Journey from Java to Scala
Generics and Templates
Tags: c++14 | cpluplus | generics | In-depth talks | infrastructure | isocpp | Java | programming | software | templates | types -
FixChg – The Drop box for developers
Meet Open Source Portal and Integration
Javascript – the winner!
Distributed, Robust Software Made Easy
Performance Tuning and Hadoop
Vertical Scaling made easy through high-performance actors
Tags: Actors | high-performance computing | HPC | Java | nosql | transaction processing | vertical scaling -
Tags: Java -
Alipi Android Application
Tags: Alipi | android | Digital divide | future | Java | semantic web | social tech | Web Application -
Test Load Balancer: Rocket Booster for your Build
Developing using Google App Engine and Google Web toolkit
Tags: AJAX | Cloud Computing | Eclipse | Google App Engine | Google Web Toolkit | Java | RIA | web 2.0