Tag : socialtech
dWebCamp – a call
Love, LLMS, Loneliness & AI (+anime) , finetuning feelings on Llms
blr.today – curating events that you care about
Tags: Events | socialtech -
How can I take this product to market ?
Prevent Spam and Junk SMS Flood
StreetBuzz, Real and Democratic Platform
Codeflow – A Visual programming platform – Code without coding
Towards a free and open technology world: Liberalizing Educational Institutions
Tags: Discussion | educational-institutions | Free Software | Hacking | open-stage | socialtech | technology -
COW Mesh (Community Owned Wireless)
Treading the Theory Threads plus One
Aadhaar beyond payments
Collective Memory and Spaces
AntHillHacks – towards collective narratives
Tags: 3D | AntHillHacks | BcbX | camping | community radio | education | Intro/101 | report | socialtech | wifi -
How we ran #SaveTheInternet for free
Restory – How to..
Nurturing the declining community culture in Bangalore
What is Cloudaria?
Story of Infosec Girls
Tags: Intro/101 | socialtech -
Story telling through image annotations
Adopt-a-Project: Solving real problems collaboratively
Proactivists : How to move from apathy, inaction to serving the world
Breeze App – to make IVR interactions painless
Bootstrapping a Community Wireless Network
How to Question Your Goverment
Corruption control using technology
Using ML and Statistics to fix the classifieds scene, thereby promote a sharing economy.
Mobile Future trends
Tags: socialtech | technology -
Challenges in deploying a mobile-web application in rural areas
Alipi, oral web
Localization efforts for Sharing Knowledge
Tags: foss | Free Software | internationalization | linux | localization | OpenSource | socialtech | technology -
Facebook Virality: 250,000 Fans in 10 Days
MathML: A ‘blind’ date with Maths – How technology has made it possible for the Visually Impaired to ‘read’ mathematics using the PC
Bridging Society, Technology & Entrepreneurship
Change we can believe in