Build your own living structures
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9 years ago
| 17 interested

Urbanisation is the new trend around the world and the cost of living, access to space for younger generation to pursue their creative interests, start a small business or have a Maker space has given rise to a ton of coworking, Maker spaces and shared spaces for living. Imagine we could take this trend to the next level and build your own low cost portable living structures .
Like a Giant erector set or a starter home.
Explore Open source, modular, portable, low-cost, self buildable, adaptive, joinable, off the shelf , readily available, weldless, simple , DIY, Maker House, on underutilised, any available space as in
Backyards, gardens, rooftops, garages, laneway, partition rooms or empty plots.
For Live work spaces, Maker space, training centre, SSI, storage, library, study room, nomadic furniture et al.

Access is the new ownership.

let’s learn to create and make space for something new and reclaim underutilized urban spaces. Become a smart urban pioneer.

Session difficulty level: Intro/101

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