Developing a Web Application Live in 15 min, in django framework
16 years ago
Introduction to django web application framework and developing a simple basic web application (a forum software like phpbb), live, in 15 min.
I wish to have a session where we can have some discussion on other frameworks (rails?) and compare and contrast on loans-cash.net.
Not much pre-requisitte. This is neither going to be an expert session; nor a total beginner session. Some experience with web-development will add to understanding of this framework better.
If U have django installed, U can develop along. If U have SVN installed, U can check out the code.

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Yes, we can discuss and compare with other language frameworks like cakephp,rails,spring etc.
ummm i hope the yahoo venue allows for a lot more wifi and power adapters for full code sessions…
if i say i havent developed a single web app until now (as ive been working in a completely different domain).. can this session be a starter for me..?
Yes. I will try and make it beginner friendly, at the same time not too boring.
@mataal I hope so.
@Neelima Just look at the resources given by @laxman. It might help. I guess it will be very straightforward even if you don’t have any prior experience. Have a good time.
alryt then.. il be there.. ๐
its been one month i am working with django , i hope i could get more insight
thx for taking this intiative
Well I am coming to bangalore on 8th…and I guess this session will be on 7th ๐