Nokia X is a platform (http://developer.nokia.com/nokia-x/ ) which runs Android Apps. You can say, Nokia X= Android – Google Services + Nokia X Services.
This session will take you through how to port your Android Apps to Nokia X platform using tools(online/offline) with no or minimal modification.
Nokia X online service (http://developer.nokia.com/nokia-x/analyse/) verifies your app for common compatibility issues and recommends the modifications needed before you publish.
It enables your apps to use
1. HERE maps which provides complete offline experiences like no other maps service.
2. Nokia Push Notifications – Simple yet powerful notifications service.
3. Nokia In-App Payments – World’s largest operator billing network.
Session difficulty level: Intro/101
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I wonder why Nokia had to bother to change everything in Android to make life of developers difficult. Any thoughts ??
Around 75% of Android apps work without any modifications. Only the apps using Google Services like Maps, InApp billing and GCM need modification to replace with Nokia Services.
I am not sure which 75% they are talking about, but none of the apps that I so lovingly wrote would work out of the box.
More importantly they are breaking up stuff, including notification etc which sucks
You can quickly analyse your app using the online analyser tool http://developer.nokia.com/nokia-x/analyse/ and port your app to Nokia X.
Google and Nokia services can coexist in the application so you can update your app to work on Nokia X.
Still why should I bother to take this pain for a minimal market share when it also breaks the notification system of Android. This is unpardonable.