Just a quick note: I’m not an Android developer. Neither do I have a startup of my own but I’m sure I have an idea that can transform few lives and people can be benefited from it. I’ll talk about it and lets see if we can take this dream to a reality from there!
I wish to use Google’s OCR, Android API’s, and devices high end cameras together to develop an educational / accessible app.ย I looked at Google play and no such app exists as of now to serve this purpose.
I’m not sure if its a good idea or some alternate is already available, but I think Barcamp is also a platform to share ideas and if anyone of you find it interesting enough to work on development, ย My job is done ๐

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Can you please some more details about the session. This looks quite vague and open ended. We’d really like to know more about any innovative idea.
I updated the description. hope this helps. let me know if i should make it more verbose
Cool. Thanks Ruchir.
when you say google OCR what do you mean?