Update: Will try to put some Java perspective as well.
# Target: A progressive flow of understanding from C to basics of Obj-C, to getting under the hoods of a simple iphoneApp.
# Prerequisite: C basics.
# Aimed at you if
– you are looking to get started with ios app development
– you are finding the iOS learning curve a little steep in the early stages
– you have already got your hands dirty, and now you really want to understand more
– you are just curious enough
# Things I am planning to take up:
– C’s progression to Obj-C
– Obj-C’s comparison and CocoaTouch basics
– some basic design patterns used in iosDev(read MVC and rest-depending upon the available time and attendance)
# Pro ios programmers will be bored, but are more than welcome for their insights.

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Just the kind of stuff that I needed.
See you there =)
Hey, will you be including a background and comparison with Java as well? to Obj-C? That will give the Android guys a perspective as well.
Hm, that seems a good idea. Let me see, I ll try to put some java perspective as well. Thanks.
i am clear with the basics but core data and XML parsing is tough to me, will you include this also
Ruchi, given the time constraint that would be a little out of scope as I am targeting a very beginning stage in ios dev, mostly for people who want to start or have just started. I ll be concentrating more on the basic building blocks rather than any 1 particular part of ios. We can have a chat after the session if you want.