Android basics
16 years ago
WIll be covering the basic building blocks of android, installation, walkthrough of the ide and other basic elements of the android development process. This talk is aimed at people who want to get started into android development.

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i am attending
Awesome, looking forward to seeing you there ๐
Will you be taking us through the raw basics like installation, building blocks (services, intents) or with some examples of implementing those building blocks (like activity, services, intents etc) ?
The idea is to cover the basic building blocks (like activity, services, intents etc) with some examples and then jave a quick overview of the installation. Is there anything you would like me to cover?
Please see to it that all android sessions dont clash!
Let they be one after the other.
Guys, sorry, the preso is up, finally!! http://goo.gl/dStrw