3D Stereo in daily life
16 years ago
Try your self 3d photo. 3dstoreindia presents a session on 3d stereo and its usage in day to day life. What it is? how this work? Will I need this technology for my business? How cost effective it is? will every one enjoy this? Just let me have my own 3d photo can be seen with or with out 3d glasses, Can my product ads can be in 3d? My website can be in 3d? How do I express my product strength adding one more dimension to my visual ads? more…. and more… 3d movie making and 3d glasses
Feature 3D Stereo in daily life
View more presentations from Ramesh Babu
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Does this involve Kinect?
seems to be interesting
Sorry, guys. I am unable to conduct the session in this barcamp because I have to take care of family in hospital on emergency. I will try to conduct the same some time later. Hope for having many barcamp soon :-).