Introducing Devopedia, a Wiki-like platform for developers
Presented by: arvindpdmn
6 years ago
| 24 interested

Devopedia is an open community platform
for developers by developers
to explain technology in a
simple, clear and unopinionated way.

In this talk, we will introduce the Devopedia platform and how it can be useful for developers. Devopedia is also a community where members volunteer to deliver workshops, share knowledge or guide others towards contributing technical content to the Devopedia platform.

The talk will the following:

  • What and why Devopedia?
  • Tips on how to do research
  • Tips on how to write effectively on any technical content
  • Benefits of learning by research

Expected session duration is 45 minutes including Q&A. The session is interactive and audience can ask questions anytime during the session.

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