#InscriptionStonesOfBangalore is a civic activism project to raise awareness and protect ancient inscription stones (shila shaasanas) found in the Bengaluru region. Inscriptions stones are original documentation of the people, culture, religion and language of the region dating back to as early as 750CE. Rampant urbanization in Bengaluru has led to destruction of a majority of the 150 stones in the old ‘Bangalore’ region documented by B.L. Rice and others from 1894 to 1905 in the remarkable twelve-volume series Epigraphia Carnatica. This project retraces the footsteps of B.L. Rice using modern technology to protect and restore the dignity of the last remaining 25 ‘Inscription Stones Of Bangalore’.
Do carry your VR gear (Google cardboard) to experience some amazing 3D models!
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