Some thoughts on investing money
Presented by: ciju
7 months ago
| 10 interested

Understanding how your investments are doing, is usually not a straightforward affair. Do you know if your portfolio is doing better than index funds? How do you evaluate an investment in a physical asset (land/flat that you bought). Are there intuitions which would help you understand returns better?

This would be a slightly unstructured talk. I will share an overall framework and some visualizations and excel sheets I have around the topics. Mostly concentrate on Mutual Funds. And possibly discuss/learn from your approaches to investment. WARNING: This talk won’t be about evaluating stocks (although the same basic principles apply there also, to some extent). 

Goal of the session is to help us ask better questions about investment opportunities. I am not professional in this field, or expert on the topic. But I do think that there is very little meaningful coverage of fundamentals on personal financial investment. Which is what I want to discuss/explore in the session.

On topic: A look at compounding, the reason behind why investments matter.


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