Automating a test scenario can be pretty easy once we get a hold of any tool. Designing hundreds of tests and making sure that the script rework involved for each release is at minimum, takes a good level of experience. Collection of such good practices & the architecture for designing all your test scripts will be demonstrated.
To enable you start with selenium webdriver for your own project. Template which will quickly facilitate you to initiate scripting with some of our additional user defined libraries. Example, read/write to excel sheet and many other. Hands on practice for scripting test scenarios as per the automation architecture to ensure less maintenance of scripts.
We will also demonstrate how to handle reporting for hundreds of tests on real time basis for each test suite and hence making our stakeholders aware of the test results on real-time. Our code for this reporting dashboard will be available for the testing community on github.
Key Takeaways:
1. Interactive demonstration of good practices for Selenium Webdriver
2. Selenium Webdriver Template: To kick-start scripting for any project (Shared on Github for the community)
3. Sample Project for learning & understanding automation architecture (Shared on Github for the community)
4. Report Dashboard for real-time suite execution status. An open source tool from Moolya Inc (Shared on Github for the community)
5. Great learning for beginners or intermediate test engineers/automators.
6. Have fun time
Reference Links:
1. https://github.com/YagneshShah/SeleniumLearnExploreContribute
2. https://github.com/moolyatesting/Test-Automation-Dashboard
1. @Organizers: Need Projector for showing technical stuff
2. @Attendees: May get your laptops if they wish to implement the selenium webdriver project template + reporting stuffs for their own projects
Remember learning is always mutual 🙂
Session difficulty level: Intro/101

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